Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Living Angels

"When we think of angels we think of beautiful beings with wings. This is not always the case; there are angels who walk among us on earth that are real people with a mortal body. These wonderful people seem to be sent from above and are just what we need at the moment we need them." - wikihow. This quote speaks volumes for this post.

So we all know that I was on the fence with moving to Washington for so many reason. Well I'm gonna talk about one of those reasons. I was concerned with moving because I didn't know anybody here. Yes I know shocker a person like me who has a bunch of twitter followers doesnt know one person stationed here. Ok thats a lie I know one person up near Seattle, but I'm talking about closer to where I am in Washington. Yes I joined the spouse fb pages for this base, but lets face it in this day and age there quite a few "mean girls" as spouses (I'm not saying everyone is a mean girl so don't start twisting my words). And yes I understand some people are warry of meeting new people.

A few days before arriving we got a house so I posted on one of the pages to see if I could get pictures. And low and behold my new neighbor welcomed me to the neighborhood. I assumed nothing would come of it, that she was just being "nice" that I pretty much wouldnt hear from her ever again. Yes I know the age old saying when you "assume" you make and ass out of you and me. Harharhar. Anyways I assumed that due to thats what I have experienced lately with spouses. (again I am not saying that is everyone, hell I have met some amazing spouses like Julie, Caroline, Julia, ect.) Yes I know that kinda sounds contradicting to what I'm saying, but I promise I have a point. I wasnt experiencing that welcomeness so far here. Things have completely changed from when I was younger and it was a "family" now it seems "every man for themselves"

Anyways let me get back on track. So once we left builiting (temporary housing for those that don't know military slang) we werent getting our household goods for another few days. We had an air mattress and of course we didnt have the pump. So I posted on the spouse page asking if anyone had one we could borrow for a few days. Who answers...... my wonderful neighbor! Well a few weeks had past before there was any other type of communication. Then one day I get a weird FB message asking if i would help her out and get a MaryKay facial. So I said sure why not. The rest is history.

I am totaly grateful for my neighbor, Lisa, without her I dont think I would be as ok with being here as I am. And through her I have met some other great and amazing spouses. What I am about to say next some people will call me crazy but its whole heartedly how I feel. Lisa has told me on so many occasions that she normaly doesnt come to new people the way she did with me, that she has to "warm up" to them, that she has no idea what made her do it. Well in my heart of hearts I feel as if it was mama that made her do it. I feel like mama found the best person for the job and pushed her. Lisa is litaraly my living angel!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so, so glad you're adjusting there. and I'm so, so glad you found someone sweet to call a friend! love you! <3
