Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Liebster Award

 I am excited to receive the Liebster Award from Maddy at  Media Junkie Jungle
The Rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:
1. Thank/link the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions from your nominator
3. Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers (link them)
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees
5. Notify your nominees through social media/blogs.

Questions from Maddy
1. What is your favorite thing to blog about?
2. What is the most difficult thing about blogging?
3. What else do you do besides blogging?
4. What is one item you would splurge on?
5. What are you looking forward to the most in 2015?
6. Who is the person you admire most and why?
7. What do you do to relax after a long day?
8. What is your favorite kind of food?
9. What is your favorite genre of music?
10. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
11. What is the biggest obstacle you have overcome in the last few years?

1. My favorate thing to blog about is my Journey of dealing and healing from my mother's death. However lately I've really been enjoying doing Product Reviews.

2. The most difficulty thing about blogging is "keeping to fresh" sometimes I feel like I need to spice it up and come up with new topics. But then I rememeber that people are following me on my journey and like to know how I am doing and that is comforting.

3. Besides blogging, I work at the hotel on our base. I am a crafter and have started to sell my stuff. I am a MaryKay Consultant. Wife and furmommy, we are currently trying to get pregnant.

4. 1 item I would splurge on.... can i choose 2 lol. I really want a heat press but also want a blasting cabinet. So I keep going back and forth on which to get first. They arent cheap lol

5.In 2015 I am looking forward to the most is peeing on a stick and see it say I am pregnant. Yeah i know it will happen when it happens but I really hope it happens soon for us.

6. The person I admire most is my daddy. I admire him cuz through all of this heartache he is making it out, which shows me that he is stronger than I ever thought possible through this time. Which shows me it is possible for me to get through this.

7. To relax after a long day, I do a few things, i will either craft or lay on the couch eating snacks lol.

8. my favorite kind of food is easy MAC & CHEESE!!!!! OMNOMNOM

9. Favorite genre of music is Country of course.

10. Who would play me in a movie about my life, man this is hard.......... I'd probably have to say Amanda Seyfried.

11. My biggest obstacle that ive overcome, is rather corny but its true. Know my worth, and that i deserve an amazing man. Once I learned that one came into my life, my husband.

My nominees!

Kali at Adventures With Baby
Heather at My Life, Our Life
Shelby at Addicted to His Grace
Amanda at The B's
Haley at Haley & Trent
Victoria at Vic for Real
Brittney at The Military Wife Life
Alejandra at Munchkins and Military
Britney at Live Love Army Life
Erica at Whimsical September
Brandi at Safety in His Arms

Now to my Questions.

1. What is something you feel strongly about?
2. Something you always thinl "what if" about
3. Five weird things about you
4. How you hope your future will be like
5. Something that you miss
6. Something you are proud of
7. Where you'd like to be in 10 years.
8. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
9. A moment you were most satisfied with your life
10. Hobbies and interests?
11. Five pet peeves

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for nominating me! I had no idea your mom passed away and I'm so sorry to hear that :( You're a strong woman, and I REALLY hope you get pregnant soon. Good luck on that!!! (PS: you're way prettier than Amanda Seyfried lol)
