Saturday, March 14, 2015

Road to Baby C

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago to make sure there isnt anything wrong with me. I know I know your probably thinking why do that when we haven't been trying for a year yet. Well I went for piece of mind. Any ways she told me about an app that tracks everything. I told her that I already had one why do I need another, she litterally looked at me and said and how well is that app working for you. I totally laughed considering I am not regular when it comes to my menstrual cycle and which in turns make it hard to track my ovulation she was completely right.

Ovia Fertility - Ovulation Calculator and Period Tracker (Menstrual Calendar App) by Ovuline, Inc.

After answering a few questions and filling in all my past menstral cycles it comes back with all this data for you. Yeah I was completely shocked and overwhelmed with all the info. You can even connect it with fitbit and other popular fitness gadgets
each day you add info: period, mood, symptoms, intercourse, cervical fluid, ovulation test, pregnancy test, basal temperature, blood pressure, sleep, weight, nutrition, activity, medications, notes. Obviously I dont fill it all out. Everyday you will get a break down. Your fertility score, your cycle day, your fertile window and it will even tell you when you should take a pregnancy test. Now as of now my info isnt spot on because I dont have enough data in there yet to be able to spot on say that I am ovulating besides taking ovulations tests or feel for cervical fluid.
I didnt know anything about checking for cervical fluid until this doctor told me the legistics. I always thought that it was because my period was going to be happening soon and it was my body essentially cleaning itself. I know stupid, but mind you I was on the pill so I was having regular periods.
For those that are like me and clueless, cervical fluid is:
Cervical fluid changes throughout the menstrual cycle and is a primary fertility sign.
  • Cervical fluid is the best sign for learning about the presence of estrogen in your bloodstream.
  • Cervical fluid is one of the best signs to tell you when you are most fertile before ovulation.
  • When estrogen is high and you are most fertile, cervical fluid is stretchy and resembles raw egg white.
  • When you are trying to conceive, it is recommended to have intercourse whenever you observe fertile quality cervical fluid.
  • Cervical fluid has similar properties to semen and serves similar functions: to support, nourish and transport sperm.
  • In a typical menstrual cycle, cervical fluid starts out scant and dry just after menstruation, becoming sticky or pasty, then creamy before the more fertile, watery and egg white fluid is observed when you are most fertile around ovulation. After ovulation, cervical fluid is again scant and dry.
  • Ovulation usually occurs around the last day that fertile quality cervical fluid is observed. This is often called the "peak" day.

  • I've only been using this app for about 2weeks now and from what I have seen this app is deff a bit more accurate when it comes to my cycle. As of right now no baby. So all the thoughts and baby dust would be greatly welcomed.

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