Friday, February 13, 2015

5 pet peeves

Lets face it we all have pet peeves. After coming up with a very long list I realized I hate alot of thing so I narrowed it down to only 5 for this post.

1. People who are Narcissistic!! Let me make this real clear to those that are a narcissist, the world DOES NOT I repeat DOES NOT revolve around you! You can do wrong, you can't always be right, you are not God. Everyone was not put here to be your punching bag, nor to "be mean" to you. Everything doesn't have to be about you at all times. Get over yourselves and come back to reality. There is no such thing as "perfect".

2. People that are mean and rude for no reason. Ok I get it you are having a bad day but that gives you no right to take it out on the person you are ordering your food from, or the cashier at the store, or the Guest Services Rep at the hotel you are checking in at, ect.

3. People that are wanting a handout for free. I bust my butt everyday to work hard to help my husband provide for our family. I honestly see no reason as to why freeloaders cant do the same. Stop waiting for the check from welfare and get off your butt and make yourself a productive member of society. *Now I am not saying that this is everyone, I am only taking about the abusers*

4. Cow chewers. Yes I totaly just refered to loud gum chewers as cow chewers. It is so freaking rude to be loud with your gum, Nobody wants to hear that. I know your mama taught you better.

5. Liars!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you have to lie? When you lie you have to keep your stories straight, the thruth comes out sooner or later. Just tell the truth. Yeah so what it might hurt someones feelings but in the end they will respect you more for telling them the truth.

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