Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Yesterday was pretty productive

Besides the fact that lately all I have been doing it twitteling my thumbs or taking the dogs to the dog park, yesterday was pretty productive.

I finally got our Comcast instal date. I totally lucked out and they will be here tomorrow afternoon right after the movers are done. YAY FOR WIFI!!! Also the rep totally hooked us up!! If you know me then you know I love a good deal! $10 off a month for the first year, upgraded to the x1 platform for free, free install, all the movies channels free for 3 months then Showtime we get for a year for free, and upgraded our router. I am so glad that we get our stuff and wifi back tomorrow. 

So once A got home from work we needed to go to Walmart to pick up a few things. I was pretty excited to be able to finally have a theme for the bathrooms. A didn't really like anything I suggested, they were "too girly" so we had to compromise. I'm actually surprised and love what we compromised on. I just wanna go back and get the rest of the accessories that go with the theme.

Little does he realize the guest bathroom there will be no compromising! LOL. 

So while we were at sonic we decided that we would go to Ulta. I was so excited!!!! I've done good and haven't bought polish in a month. I was gonna be good and only get one thing, that was until I realized the epic sale they had!!! 
$10.17 for all of this!!!

Screw couponing for food, I will coupon and hit the sales for polish!!! Now it's a definite I'm going to have to get another helmer for all my polish. So I'm thinking what I'll do is get a piece of wood as well and make a polish desk. 

The moment I found out A made Staff I started to search for ALS (Airman Leadership School) Graduation dresses. I found one online that I fell in love with. But let's face it even though we might have found the perfect dress we will still look. So I told A that we should go into Dress Barn and of course he was like I thought you already found a dress. Anyways, I tried on 5 dresses, until I heard the angels sing the moment I put on the dress we got. It is perfect!!!! It's also something I don't normally like, but it fits so well. 

Obviously a different bra lol. So I figured I will get accessories to match and wear my black Steve Madden heels. I am so in love with it! I couldn't be more happier with the choice I made.

Since I get my stuff back tomorrow and no longer have to blog from the app (which I feel should have the same functions, but that's a whole other topic) I will actually be able to have links again and my original signature back :)

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