Wednesday, September 23, 2015

10 things you should never say to someone struggling with Fertility

I have heard so many hurtful things over the year when it comes to trying to have a baby. Some of the people don't think they are being hurtful, some genuinely mean to be helpful, and others outright know for a fact that they are being asses. So I figured it was time for my to compile a mini list of things to NEVER say. Some of my followers are struggling with fertility themselves so I know either they have read some of these from other blogs or experienced them themselves. I'm also going to write what I'm thinking in my head that I wish I could say out loud, I will warn you they are not nice by any means.


1. "Enjoy the sleep while you can, because you won't be getting any when you finally do have a kid" -- really fucker, I didn't know that you lose sleep when you have kids, thank you for enlightening me.

2. "Don't try so hard and then it will happen" -- how about you educate yourself on what exactly it means to have infertility and all the doctors appointments, meds, and tracking that goes into this. 

3. "Have you ever thought that maybe it's in gods plan for you to not be a mother?"-- seriously what kind of fucking question is this?!?!?

4. "Your thinking about it too much" -- ummmm how can I not think about it, with the daily tracking and meds that I have to take it's constantly on my mind

5. "You can always adopt" -- yeah ok I'm gonna do that tomorrow, so your gonna give me the $20,000+ it takes to adopt right

6. "If you stop trying it will happen"-- this just proves how much of an idiot you are please do your research on infertility

7. "There are worse things that can happen" -- your 'worst' and my 'worst' are two different things

8. "So who's fault is it, his or yours?" -- wait what did you just ask this?!?! As if I'm not already beating myself up.

9. "Your lucky your not pregnant like me, I'm having a rough time" -- I just have no words for this, your so ungrateful for even saying this to me

10. "You don't look like your infertile" -- what's that supposed to mean. We don't all fit in the same box!!! 

There are so many more things that get said/asked but I would be writing for days. 

1 comment:

  1. Those are all EXTREMELY rude things to say to someone struggling with fertility.
    What are people thinking?
