Saturday, August 15, 2015

Road to Baby C part 5

So it's been close to a month since the last time I blogged. After the Bully incident I kind of got hard on myself internally. So I needed to take a little blogging break. A lot has happen since the last time I posted.

* The provera worked!!!! CD1 (cycle day) finally came!! So on CD3-7 I take Letrozole, which is a fertility medicine that forces you to create eggs. On Monday I went to get my folic study. The Letrozole worked!!!! I had 2 eggs and was set to release them within 24-48hrs!!!! We are now officially in our 2 week wait!!! So crossing our fingers and toes.

* The second thing that has happen is, my Etsy shop has really started to taken off. I am beyond excited about this journey.

So back onto the baby journey (yeah I know I get off topic a lot lol). I have really been having a hard time the last few weeks deal with my emotions. It literally seems like every day there is a new pregnancy announcement, birth announcement, or gender reveal. It really breaks my heart that it isn't our turn yet. I know that these people aren't trying to hurt my feelings but it just is. I don't want them to have to walk on egg shells during their happy time just to make sure that I am ok. The reality of the situation is the road of Trying To Conceive is a very difficult road in more ways than one. We have a lot of emotions going on from feeling like a failure to extreme jealousy. Yes we get jealous but a lot of us won't admit it to the people that we are jealous of because we don't want them to feel bad during their joyous time. I will admit there has been times were I have wanted to disable all social media or wanted to block those that are going through this joyous time. Then I remind myself that if will be ok and that one day (hopefully soon) that will be us getting to make huge announcements.


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