High Functioning Depression doesn’t look like depression at all. In fact, you might not know that someone with this condition is depressed. Depressed people sleep a lot and are unmotivated. They are hopeless and don’t want to see friends and family. This is the exact opposite of someone with High Functioning Depression. The workaholic, the honors student and the champion gymnast are examples of people who have High Functioning Depression. They are overachievers and often seem like perfectionists. On the surface they seem to be highly successful and motivated individuals, but inside they are hurting. They are suffering but you would never suspect this to be the case. That’s because depression doesn’t look the same on each person. Depression is like a piece of clothing; it may look one way on one person and totally different on another person. Remember that even though your friend or loved one seems like they’re super busy and productive that doesn’t mean that they’re happy necessarily. They could be avoiding their problems and diverting themselves by overworking or excessively exercising. None of us want to feel hopeless. It’s important to learn the symptoms of High Functioning Depression. That way you can be mindful of them for yourself and others around you. Do you find yourself overworking to avoid your feelings? Does this sound like you or someone that you know? Read more about High Functioning Depression here.
Infographic credit: BetterHelp.com