Friday, September 2, 2016

Hot button topic: Mom Bashing


So there is this huge war raging on between mom groups (not all of them though). Mom bashing is a huge problem amongst moms and it needs to STOP!!! I am going to touch on what I've experienced so far. Again, this is my experience!!

So I have had a few run-ins with "crunchy" moms. If you don't know what a crunchy mom is, they are moms that believe in a more natural lifestyle. Not all crunchy moms are against those that choose other lifestyles, however, there are a select few that will do whatever possible to get their point across and that includes bashing others that don't agree with them. 

•I have been told that even though Baby A is breech I shouldn't listen to my doctor or what is safe for the babies and myself. That I should still deliver vaginally and that he will be fine. They know Joe Blow has a cousin that his sister's brother's girlfriend delivered a breech baby vaginally and the baby was fine. Ummm what?!?!? Yeah no, you aren't in the medical field so I will not take your advice. 

•Apparently if I have a c-section I am not really delivering my babies so I can't say that I have given birth. 

•Since we are choosing to vaccinate the twins, I have been told that they deserve to get the "conditions" that vaccinations cause. 

•I have been called names for choosing to give birth in the hospital instead of a birthing center. 

I know crunchy moms that support others even though they choose a different path. So like I said, it is not all that are mean or judgmental. 

I don't understand why we have to beat each other down just because we choose different paths. All that should matter is that these little humans are healthy and happy. It should not matter that I choose a different path than you. 

Being a mean mom is a form of bullying whether you want to admit it or not!!! If you've been following my blog for awhile or know me in general you know that I will not stand for bullies. So for those that are going through this and are feeling like bad moms, you are not a bad mom; you are an amazing mom!!! Don't let others tear you down just because you don't agree with them. They are not you, they are not your children's parents. They are not experts on your life. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Holy Cow it's been 8wks since the last time I posted. I have been so busy these last 8wks. So before we get into the Bumpdate let me catch you up a bit.

So for the last 8wks I have been preparing for the babies. The nursery is practically done, but since the baby shower was last week I have to reorganize the nursery. The official theme is StarWars and Mermaids. I promise I will take pictures once it's all complete. Not only preparing for the babies I was still working, which I officially have resigned. On top of that I was still running my etsy shop, which is now on vacation until we get the twins on a decent enough schedule. I will be working on new designs for the relaunch until then. Man now that I type it all out that is a lot!! 

Now on to the Bumpdate

Baby A is roughly 3lbs and 3ozs, Baby B is roughly 3lbs and 2ozs. Both babies are now breach (which I'm not too happy about) however we still have roughly 4ish weeks for baby A to flip again. If Baby A flips then vaginal is back on the table however if not then it's a csection for me. Babies are now snuggling each other instead of fighting. 

As for me I am beyond uncomfortable. Sleep is a thing of the past, it's catnaps at this point. The only way to relieve discomfort at this point for me is the shower. I'm always hungry but yet don't have an appetite, which makes it so I have to force myself to eat. I passed my glucose test!!!!!